Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Power of Influence

We all grew up with people that influenced our lives. Be it a teacher, mentor, parent, grand parent, or perhaps someone from whom we learned what NOT to do, it is undeniable that our interactions with other people play a significant role in our up-bringing. In many cases, the people in our lives were most important to us when we had a decision to make and we looked to them (or to our interactions with them) to help us make that decision. Was it “right” or “wrong”? What else could/should I do?

Eventually, we became more and more confident in our own ability to make decisions and, viola! We became adults. Ok, it sounds simple … I may have skipped over years of pre-teen and teenage angst, turmoil and plenty of regrettable decisions related to clothes, hairstyles and dates for which my “decision influencers” were apparently on hiatus!

So, what does all this have to do with your success? Volumes of research and our own experiences tell us that decision influencers (parents, mentors, etc.) have become an increasingly significant resource for today’s young professionals as they navigate their careers. It’s refreshing to see the shift back to embracing the experiences of our predecessors and inviting their input. That’s why we created a special site just for career influencers. McGladrey Career Influencers is chock full of information that career influencers will find relevant and informative when a loved-one of theirs is considering beginning or continuing a career with McGladrey.

I invite you to visit our McGladrey Career Influencers site and share it with your own network of career influencers. We’d love to hear what you think so, please comment to this post with your thoughts and feedback about the site.

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