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Monday, October 8, 2012

5 Employees headed to The McGladrey Classic

The third McGladrey Classic will be in full swing October 15 - 21 at beautiful Sea Island, Georgia. It’s going to be an exciting week for McGladrey and for five lucky McGladrey employees. McGladrey is sending one employee from each of the firm’s five regions to The Classic as winners of an all-employee contest, The Classic Tweet. Through the contest, employees competed for an opportunity to go to The Classic to serve as on-the-ground reporters, sharing their personal experiences from Sea Island with their fellow employees. Interested employees submitted compelling “tweets” (140 characters or less, in the spirit of Twitter) about why they should be chosen for this opportunity. Employees from across the firm then voted on their favorite submissions, ultimately selecting the five contest winners.  

In anticipation of their visit to The McGladrey Classic, we asked each contest winners what they are looking forward to most in Sea Island, Georgia. You can read their reactions below:  

Stephen Cramer, Risk Advisory Associate, Kansas City
What excites me about The McGladrey Classic is having the opportunity to be an integral part of an event that depicts McGladrey’s core values and strategies on a level that allows people across the nation to see. Along with being part of the event, getting to spend time with clients, coworkers and the people that have organized this fantastic event and made it what it is today is exciting. I feel honored to have a once-in-a-lifetime, behind the scenes, opportunity to not only represent McGladrey’s core values but my values as well – and it never hurts to be treated like royalty during the process.

Sam Edvalson, Tax Associate, Seattle
There are so many reasons why I am looking forward to the McGladrey Classic. The fantastic venue, all the golf pros, charitable causes, and the great firm that is putting it all on – each of these things contribute to the excitement I have for attending The Classic. How many firms host a first-rate golf tournament? I am proud to work for a firm that can put together such a complete event. Whether you are a golfer or not, this is going to be an amazing tournament; I can’t wait to see it all!

Scott Moran, Tax Associate, Chicago
I have enjoyed both playing and following golf my entire life and have always been a Davis Love III fan. I was very excited when McGladrey and Davis’s foundation decided to team up for this event a few years ago. I know that McGladrey and the Davis Love III Foundation will put together an incredible experience for fans, clients and employees. It is an experience I am greatly looking forward to being a part of.

Shirley Rennie, Consulting Manager, Boston
Representing the Northeast Region at the McGladrey Classic is quite an honor. What I’m looking forward to most is meeting the players and the McGladrey team that makes us so great. I worked on an implementation project at Sea Island this past year, and I can truly say the people and the resort are second-to-none. It will be quite an event, McGladrey-style!

Jennifer Sulzer, Tax Associate, Orlando
As I am probably the biggest golf fan at McGladrey, I am looking forward to getting a behind-the-scenes look at one of the best tournaments on the PGA TOUR’S Fall Series. Also, who wouldn’t want to get to stay on Sea Island and attend a party at DL3’s house and meet many of the players I watch play on TV every week? J

Don’t miss out on the action! Follow the McGladrey Golf Blog to stay up-to-the-minute with the Classic.

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