Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Podcast: Phil Li Wraps Up His Summer Internship Experience

Phil Li just recently finished his summer internship with McGladrey, and was good enough to share his expectations, his initial experiences, and now his overall internship experience. I met Phil at the Capstone Summer Intern Conference, and was immediately drawn in by his energy and his enthusiasm. He had a smile on his face the entire time and wanted to take in everything that the internship had to offer.

McGladrey is fortunate to have interns like Phil as they represent a pipeline for our future. Phil will be continuing with the MAcc program at USC, and is considering a full-time position to start with us in the Fall of 2011. Take a listen here to Phil as he wraps up his summer experience with McGladrey. If you are considering doing an internship with McGladrey, listen to what Phil has to say to get a good view of what an internship experience with McGladrey is like.

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