Blog Archive

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pathways Externship Event - Gaithersburg, MD

Each summer, several McGladrey locations offer an externship program which gives sophomore accounting students a chance to get to know our Firm through a series of networking events. These events are geared at giving the participants a clear understanding of what McGladrey is all about. We provide them access to our culture, our clients and our people. These students are selected through an interview process which takes place during the spring semester.

This summer, the Mid-Atlantic Economic Unit (EU), hosted four events, including:
- A kick-off event where the Externs met with EU leaders, a client CFO, and finished with a 'scavenger hunt' in Baltimore's Inner Harbor;
- A Bike-the-Sites event where the Externs toured downtown Washington, DC and had more opportunities to network with EU leaders at an evening event;
- A Shadow Day where the Externs were paired with an Associate who served as their mentor;
- And an In Office Interview Day where the Externs interviewed with senior level staff for winter and summer Internship positions, participated in a team building event got a tour of the office, and finished with an evening dinner event.

The video below features some of the highlights from the In Office Interview Day event held last Thursday at the Gaithersburg, MD office. 11 students participated, and from what I witnessed, they all had a great time. You can learn more about the Pathways program when you see us on campus this Fall.

Thanks to Dan O'Brien, the Mid-Atlantic EU Campus Recruiting Manager for access to the event and the supporting information.

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