Entrepreneurship and basic business concepts were the topic of discussion in a series of special classes taught by McGladrey volunteers at Bishop Woods School in New Haven, Conn., as part of the local
Junior Achievement Chapter's "JA in a Day" event. Everything from revenue, expenses, supply chain and other aspects of business were taught through a serious of age-appropriate activities for children in grades 3-6, according to marketing manager and volunteer Amy Fischer. "It was a fantastic experience to work with the students and see their enthusiasm around small business," said Amy.
Sr. manager Susan Martinelli, a member of the JA New Haven Volunteer Council along with supervisor Kevin Kiss, said McGladrey has been a part of this event for about five years, with a consistently strong showing with at least 10 to as many as 25 volunteers. "We also participate in networking events with JA frequently to increase participation in their activities and to educate others about the program," said Susan. Twelve volunteers from the New Haven and Stamford offices taught the classes individually or in pairs.

Partner Larry Carboni serves on the board of the JA New Haven Chapter and couldn't be more pleased about the active involvement of the McGladrey employees to help give back to the community in this special way. "As a member of the JA board in New Haven, I am very proud of all the people who participated in our JA in a Day event at Bishop Woods School in New Haven. Each team took valuable time from their busy schedules to prepare for and deliver multiple JA sessions that are typically presented over multiple days. The JA staff said that everyone did a great job and the day was a huge success," said Larry.